

BACKGROUND As a new Western Europe was approaching the second millennium, the kingdoms that for centuries had been warring among themselves, and with fighting bands of organized (and disorganized) plunderers fighting for “their share,” the nations of Western Europe as we know them today began to emerge.  These “old and

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A photo of people walking


In previous postings, I had laid out some essentials of what is meant when people use the term tradition to describe ways of living or ways of being.  Depending on particular circumstances, tradition is referenced in such phrases as “traditional ways of doing things”, or “following the traditions of the

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A girl who is standing on top of a mountain with her arms up


Humane Letters are about the study of the human spirit.  It is a spirit, that searchingly, persistently, and relentlessly, seeks what is true, good and beautiful in the world, in others, and in the self, in which one is guided by love as a life principle upon which to build

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An image of a journal with some hand writing on it

What is Tradition?

… And what there is to conquer, has already been discovered, once, twice, or several times, by men and women we could never hope to emulate, but there is no need to emulate: there is only the fight to recover, what has been lost.  And found and lost and found

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